Straight Facts on American Teachers

Created by GoEd Online - Teaching Materials

Studies prove that a great teacher can impart a year and a half’s worth of learning to a student in one year. Good teaching over a sustained period can [help students] overcome the disadvantages of poverty. 77 percent of U.S. adults feel teaching is among the most under-appreciated professions in the U.S. 76 percent agree that many of the smartest people in society don’t go into teaching because being a teacher doesn’t pay enough. 46 percent of teachers in public schools leave the profession within five years. 14 percent of teachers leave the profession each year; in urban districts, the turnover is higher: 20 percent. High turnover of American teachers costs our country over $7 billion every year. Teachers are priced out of home ownership in 32 metropolitan areas. Only 4.7 percent of college juniors would consider teaching at the current starting salary. 68 percent of college students said they would consider the teaching profession if it paid 50 percent more than the current occupations they were considering. Teachers work an average of ten hours per day. 92.4 percent of teachers spent their own money on their students or classrooms during the 2007-2008 school year. 62 percent of teachers have second jobs outside of the classroom. 

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