Tesol Greece 2014
Tesol Greece 2014 from English Attack!
- 1. VIDEO CLIPS What We Now Know About Teaching EFL With Paul Maglione, Co-‐founder, English A@ack! TESOL Greece 2014
- 2. Why Video? • Our brains are wired for it à hunMng / danger • The human eye is a@racted to movement, even more than our ears are to sound • Closest to life, to everyday human experience TESOL Greece 2014
- 3. Explosion of social networks, online services and new content is making video a BIG part of our everyday lives. TESOL Greece 2014
- 4. New devices make video accessible anywhere, any Mme.
- 5. Online video is transforming educaMon For anything that lasts more than 30 seconds — or any explana7on — it makes sense to have it in video form. • 10 million students per month • 300 million lessons viewed KHAN ACADEMY
- 6. What about video in the context of EFL?
- 7. High variance in English proficiency levels across naMons: what can explain it? Smaller countries with “difficult” languages…BUT ALSO: television and movies not dubbed in local language PORTUGAL is top-‐ranked “La7n” country… also does not dub US/UK films into local language
- 8. Lowest-‐ranked countries tend to be “cut off” from Anglophone culture and media for cultural and/or poli7cal reasons. “Western” na7ons where TV series / films are dubbed into local language High variance in English proficiency levels across naMons: what can explain it?
- 9. Exposure to English For learners not living in an English-‐speaking country, regular exposure to spoken English through video is the easiest, most effecMve way to create the neural pathways that facilitate language learning.
- 10. Why Video? WHAT and HOW Video?
- 11. Step 1: What is your objecMve in using video? SMmulaMon A@enMon Interest MoMvaMon Engagement ApplicaMon RepeMMon Usage LEARNING
- 12. SMmulaMon A@enMon Interest MoMvaMon Engagement ApplicaMon RepeMMon Usage LEARNING
- 13. Graded or AuthenMc? • BeVer at sparking emo7on à creates the intellectual opening for learning to occur • Huge choice means we can mo7vate anyone according to their interests BUT: -‐ Impossible to shoehorn into structures like CEFR -‐ If not packaged properly, can be too difficult for beginners • Can be 7ghtly targeted at specific skills or tasks • Created for specific levels / consistency re level BUT: -‐ Produc7on values / entertainment o[en lacking -‐ Can be perceived by learners as “talking down” to them
- 14. Subject MaVer of Authen7c Video (in order of popularity with English AVack! users) 1. Current Movies 2. TV Series 3. Music Videos 4. Documentaries 5. How-‐To
- 15. Subject MaVer of Authen7c Video Other topics of interest • News (“evergreen” best, normal headline stories age fast) • Business (movie scenes can be effec7ve) • AdverMsing (especially crea7ve / humorous extended ads) CHOICE = AUTONOMY = MOTIVATION
- 16. Ideal length • Too short (sub-‐1 minute): liVle chance to absorb dialogue in context • Too long (5 minutes+) : too many linguis7c elements upon which to focus à confusion • Ideal length is between 1 and 3 minutes – Average length of Youtube video is 4 minutes – 87% of video shared on Facebook is between 1 and 4 minutes long
- 17. Difficulty Level • Subject maVer • Vocabulary • Speech speed • Speech clarity • Accent • Idioms • Slang • Visual clues • Is there a story or an understandable context? Related exercises need to be calibrated to the video’s intrinsic difficulty level
- 18. Difficulty vs Content • Our experience to date shows that the content type is the primary mo7vator. Learners don’t mind a difficulty “stretch” if the video content is of interest to them. 5,580,000 searches 22,000,000 searches (learn English) (songs in English) Google France searches:
- 19. SubMtles? Can with comprehension but creates listening “tune out” in favor of reading. So call me maybe.. Donc appelle-‐moi peut-‐etre… ♫ ♪ ♬♭ ♭ ♫ ♪ ♬♭ ♭ English L1 None Great… if you want learners to improve their L1 reading skills. Full emo7onal impact of source; no skills confusion; forces learner to focus and to look for visual clues.
- 20. Video Transcript? • Be clear on purpose of providing: to work reading skills • Thus, do not mix with gist comprehension exercises à provide only sequen7ally, a[er listening skills have been covered • Can be used for Detail comprehension and to prac7ce scanning for informa7on.
- 21. SMmulaMon A@enMon Interest MoMvaMon Engagement ApplicaMon RepeMMon Usage LEARNING Moving from engagement to applicaMon
- 22. Structuring the Video-‐based lesson • The fun-‐factor of video should not obscure the need for a pedagogical structuring of the video-‐based lesson. • The sequencing of a video-‐based lesson must be planned as carefully as any other lesson Gist Comprehension Listening Skills Detailed Comprehension Vocabulary Grammar & Usage TESOL Greece 2014
- 23. Structuring the Video-‐based lesson • Pre / Tasks / Post / jumping-‐off point for class discussion PRE TASKS POST • Summary • Target Vocab • Prac7ce Games • Discussion TESOL Greece 2014
- 24. Structuring the Video-‐based lesson • Error Correc7on / Posi7ve Reinforcement TESOL Greece 2014
- 25. Structuring the Video-‐based lesson • Score vs Grade: integra7ng the mo7va7onal dynamics of gamifica7on into the video exercise scoring logic TESOL Greece 2014
- 26. Structuring the Video-‐based lesson • Providing assistance à dic7onaries, transla7on TESOL Greece 2014
- 27. Structuring the Video-‐based lesson • In-‐class vs. Homework Requirements: interac7vity, good design, visibility, s7mula7ng content Requirements: large selec7on of s7mula7ng content, Teacher Tools for assignment and compliance monitoring
- 28. SMmulaMon A@enMon Interest Engagement MoMvaMon ApplicaMon RepeMMon Usage LEARNING ConsolidaMng intake with repeMMon
- 29. Achieving RepeMMon for MemorizaMon Prac7ce Game: Swap Mania Prac7ce Game: Word Rescue Prac7ce Games are dynamically driven by target vocabulary items in learning units TESOL Greece 2014
- 30. SMmulaMon A@enMon Interest MoMvaMon Engagement ApplicaMon RepeMMon Usage LEARNING Finally, locking in acquisiMon through usage
- 31. Making video-‐based learning Social • Pos7ng comments • Facebook • TwiVer TESOL Greece 2014
- 32. AuthenMc video is a great spark for in-‐class discussion Vocabulary Storyline Grammar Themes
- 33. Sample Video Lesson Intermediate Level
- 34. Pre-‐Task Target Vocabulary Clip Summary Task Set-‐Up InstrucMon
- 35. First Exposure to Video Clip Learners can start, pause, and replay video
- 36. Gist comprehension exercise set-‐up
- 37. Gist comprehension exercise Video resource Expandable vocab resource Instant error correcMon
- 38. Gist comprehension exercise debrief IntersMMal Score PosiMve Reinforcement
- 39. Listening exercise set-‐up
- 40. Listening exercise Learners can do the exercise in parallel with video playback Gap-‐filling from three similar-‐ sounding alternaMves actually completes the transcript, which will be available for next exercise.
- 41. Listening exercise debrief
- 42. Detail comprehension exercise set-‐up
- 43. Detail comprehension exercise Full video transcript available as a resource; learners can either review video or scan transcript to find details in exercise.
- 44. Detail comprehension debrief
- 45. Vocabulary exercise set-‐up
- 46. Vocabulary exercise Vocabulary resource automaMcally switches to selected answer opMon Vocab exercise: using target lexis in similar story context
- 47. Vocabulary exercise debrief
- 48. Grammar / Usage exercise set-‐up
- 49. Grammar / Usage exercise Sample line of dialogue taken from video clip ExplanaMon as to why this form was used Exercise working same grammar or usage concept (with instant answer feedback)
- 50. Grammar / Usage exercise debrief
- 51. Video Booster Debrief screen Points total and breakdown Learn-‐o-‐Meter Learner comments RecommendaMons for further lessons Coaching instrucMons
- 52. Post-‐task: PracMce Games Lexical items from the video clip DefiniMon clues and sample sentence reveal
- 53. Post-‐task: In-‐class or Online Messenger discussion • How would you feel about asking your parents for money if/when you are an adult? • How would you feel about your son or daughter asking you for money when they are adults? • Have you even had someone try to discourage you from your dream occupa7on or goal? Describe what that felt like. • What does “Being A Man” mean to you? Sample Class Discussion Topics
- 54. User feedback
- 55. Conclusions • Video is a powerful, emo7ve s7mulus to learning. • Short-‐format authen7c video without sub7tles can be a highly mo7va7onal and effec7ve pedagogical tool for helping build EFL/ESL competence. • Video-‐based lessons need to be engineered just as carefully as any classroom lesson, with pre-‐ and post-‐tasks and a natural flow from exposure and gist comprehension through to more detailed or nuanced skills. • Specialist online learning plaoorms such as English AVack! package authen7c video together with exercises to offer a huge choice of learning units of all difficulty levels across many topics and categories. Paul Maglione, Co-‐founder, English A@ack! TESOL Greece 2014
- 56. License packages English AVack! is a “freemium” site, with Free Trial content available free of charge. Access to all content and func7onali7es is available under several license plans: English A@ack! for Companies Flexible, Company co-‐branding, trainer packages, possibility of specialist content. English A@ack! for Schools, Language InsMtutes, UniversiMes Flexible, affordable, school co-‐ branding, Teacher Tools Independent Teacher License Full suite of Teacher Tools; for situa7ons where learners will pay for their own Premium access. Contact us at pro@english-‐a@ack.com to set up a pilot program in your school or company
- 57. • English AVack! • English AVack Blog paul.maglione@english-‐a@ack.com • English AVack for Schools • English AVack for Companies For more informaMon: infogreece@english-‐a@ack.com
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