Cut In Line To Help Motivate Thai Students
ALREADY 40 per cent of Thailand 's annual income is derived directly or indirectly from tourism and services related to it. To be able to offer qualified and attractive services and experiences, it is essential for Thai people to be able to communicate fluently in a foreign language . Ajarn Donald's Response: This case study is very well prepared and I personally like to say thank you to Professor Jyrki Loima and Ajarn Jutarat Vibulphol for taking the time to conduct this case study and sharing the results in a post (link above). Next I would like to say that with my 13-years experience having taught more than 6,500 people English in Thailand in ages 4-60 years old but most were secondary students (teenagers M/1-M/6 = 7th graders-12th graders) that I fully agree with these results. How can we get the parents, students, teachers and schools to come together and...