Ajarn Donald's

Stay away from spruz.com

Ajarn Donald's

Funny thing. I signed up for a free website from spruz.com on 30/10/2010. My general impression is they have some great tools and lots of resources available. Their management team sucks or maybe they’re just inexperienced and stupid or all the above. Here is the message that appeared when I logged in on Sunday 07/11/2010.

You have 27 days remaining before you must purchase a plan.

Sorry, but we no longer offer free websites for your region. You have 27 days to purchase a plan or locate other free hosting. Questions? Read our blog post about this. Ready to Upgrade? Upgrade Today 

The bottom line is nothing is free!

I must say even ning.com was more professional about there change in pricing by giving many months notice and then coming up with some alternatives to help offset the monthly fees.

Why would spruz.com offer free websites when they know one month later it will not be free and you will have to pay? I guess I mean why not say this up front free websites for ONLY 1-MONTH then you must pay??? I just let my main website expire ajarn-donald.com   host: Bravenet and they were ok and I was paying for that then when I compared it with spruz.com a freebie website I thought cool. I am in the process in trying some new things as well as cut my expenses because I’m a teacher in Thailand and our business is very small and a bit slow at the moment. I do have my free Teachers & Students Network of Thailand which is open and free to anyone who would like to join. http://grou.ps/ajarn_donald/  

Stay tuned for more information on spruz.com. animated019_www.free-avatars.com


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