English-Attack! Thailand For Companies

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English-Attack! For Companies, Schools, Universities, Groups and Private Language Centers — Presentation Transcript 

  • 1. English Attack!ForCompanies
  • 2. Executive Executive Summary Summary The Challenge of English Language Training in CompaniesEnglish Attack! combines the latest EFLpedagogical principles with online entertainment The Optimal(short clips from films, TV, music; games; social Solutionnetworking) to create an innovative learningresource which is fully complementary with Introducinginstructor-led English language learning. English Attack!Companies and organizations can benefit fromproviding Premium Access to English Attack for English Attack! PROemployees and staff, either as an extremely for Companiesaffordable and effective training resource or as aninnovative employment benefit that will help In Conclusionthem improve their English in their own time.
  • 3. Executive SummaryEnglish Is A Strategic Company Asset The more widespread English language skills are within your company at ALL LEVELS: • The better you’ll be able to service international customers • The faster you’ll be able to react to global commercial opportunities • The more autonomous your staff will be in researching solutions using a wide range of information 2 billion people worldwide are learning and software tools English; shouldn’t your staff be able to communicate with them? • The more international and empowered your staff will feel.
  • 4. Problem: The Challenge of English Language Training in CompaniesEnglish Language Training iscomplicated and expensive to extendto the whole organization • Teacher-led training sessions can only be really effective with maximum 8 – 12 learners per class • The logistics of organizing teachers and training sessions for thousands of staff can be nearly impossible • Employees have a resistance to textbooks and similar materials that can make them feel like they have returned to school • Staff attending training can often feel under pressure from conflicting work demands • English language training with teachers can make sense for executives and key staff, but is almost always unaffordable across the entire organization
  • 5. The Challenge ofProblem: English Language Training in CompaniesInsufficient Input In most cases, because exposure to English only happens in class, learners are simply not exposed to enough input for effective language learning. Also, unguided input can prove discouraging for learners if it results in a frustrating experience.
  • 6. The Challenge ofProblem: English Language Training in CompaniesNeed for training session optimization Limited training session time is never enough to cover all of the following: • Input • Free discussion • Presentation • Group Work • Content Exercises • One-on-one • Skills Exercises instruction • Production • Coaching • Drills • Feedback • Error Correction • Assessment • Targeted vocabulary
  • 7. Problem: The Challenge of English Language Training in CompaniesDull and Expensive“E-Learning Platforms” • Most “E-Learning Platforms” are seen by learners as dull, and they only use them when forced to. • Staff perceive highly structured course- type e-learning as simply adding to their workload, and are a turn-off to learners already stressed by job-related demands • Most e-learning content does not address actual learner interests and tastes • Online material is often unauthentic and dated; and tends to be artificially limited to either British English or American English
  • 8. The OptimalWhat could be the solution? Solution An online, self-study resource that learners actually enjoy using, and sufficiently different to conventional language instruction to avoid feeling like an additional professional obligation.
  • 9. The OptimalWhat could be the solution? Solution A resource created by independent media and pedagogy experts, designed specifically for the learners of today, incorporating the latest learning concepts from cognitive neuroscience.
  • 10. What could be The Optimal Solutionthe solution? An approach in tune with the interests, learning styles, and motivational requirements of today’s adult learners.
  • 11. What could be the solution? The Optimal Solution A resource design consistent with the latest EFL pedagogical thinking: • Lexical and Communicative Approaches • Grammaticalized Lexis • Authentic Materials • Motivation via Autonomy
  • 12. Introducingwww.th.english-attack.com
  • 13. Introducing English Attack! English 2.0Movies, Music, Games, News, Friends English Attack’s unique method achieves three key pedagogical outcomes : Current, authentic content; a videogame-like Strong reward ecosystem; and participation in a English Attack! uses a Learner worldwide social network of learners results wide range of online in strong intrinsic motivation. Motivation entertainment formats – from video to games to Retention of Learners move lexical items seen in the social networking – to learning units from short-term into long-term Learned memory through repetition via a range ofhelp people improve their Items addictive Learning Games English in a fun, friendlyand highly accessible Web Short sessions and fun content result in Frequent input 2.0 environment. most of our learners using the site every & Learner day, thus resulting in frequency of input and Autonomy learner autonomy.
  • 14. Introducing English Attack! Content Units: Video Boosters • Interactive Video exercises based on short (1 to 3-minute) clips from movies, TV series, news items, documentaries and more • Gist comprehension, detail comprehension, readin g/scanning, listening, v ocabulary usage, and grammar or language form usage • Separate video, transcript, and vocabulary resourcesHundreds of Interactive Video Lessons
  • 15. Introducing English Attack! Content Units: Photo Vocabs • Visual dictionaries on a wide range of themes and topics • Vocabulary, common collocations, idioms, cu ltural references and slang • Each Photo Vocab contains 15 – 30 items • Each item is illustrated, defined, us ed in a sample sentence, and playable in an audio file for forThousands of lexical items grouped by topic correct pronunciation
  • 16. Introducing English Attack! Content Units: Learning Games Range of five Learning Games for repeated exposure: • Swap Mania, Word Rescue and Speed Pix are dynamically driven by word lists in previously played content units • Verb Dash for practice with irregular verbs • Say What? for listening and spelling skillsRange of 5 Learning Games for Retention • Leaderboards
  • 17. Education Partners
  • 18. A Brain-Friendly Pedagogy Introducing English Attack! Our Pedagogical Principles Based on the latest findings of cognitive neuroscience specific to the 13 – 25 age group 1. Stimulation through entertainment content 2. Frequency of exposure and use through short, enjoyable sessions 3. Repetition leading to long-term memory via Contextual Practice Games 4. Motivation and Progress via Challenge and Continuous Rewards 5. Social use of English via Global Community of Learners
  • 19. Motivation through Introducing English Attack!discovery & autonomy “The simplest way to ensure that people value what they are doing is to maximize their free choice and autonomy” - Good & Brophy, 2004
  • 20. Motivation through content relevant Introducing English Attack!to the lives of today’s adults
  • 21. Introducing the English Attack! Service Options forCompanies and Organizations
  • 22. A choice of multi-user licensesto suit your requirements The PRO Multi-User License Group Purchase Of Learner Licenses • Buy premium access user licenses • Premium Access for Trainers and for your staff (no Trainer tools) Learners • Organization branding on site • Admin tools: define active/billable • Positioned as am employee user accounts month by month benefit with professional training • Trainer tools advantages.
  • 23. PRO License Features Total, unlimited Administrator Full range ofPremium access to Controls allowing intuitive Trainerhundreds of Video total control of Tools, usable both Company’sBoosters, thousan licenses within and outside branding on the ds of Photo Vocab attribution and training sessions. site for all licensedlexical items, and a monthly switch-on users (Trainers and full range of / switch-off Differentiated Learners). Learning Games adjustment of Trainer and Learner number of active interfaces user licenses
  • 24. English Attack! PRO English Attack! PRO for CompaniesA Complete Learning Management System Administration Teacher and Classroom Learner Autonomy Tools Tools Class Creation Account Creation Learner/Class Assignment School / Classroom View Registration Codes Content Unit Assignment Full Access to Normal Codes Distribution Assignment Compliance Registered User View Tracking User Account Distinct User Account Learner Activity & from Company License Management & Tracking Score Tracking Classroom Forum Invoice Tracking Communications Platform
  • 25. How It Works English Attack! PRO for CompaniesAccount Administrators An Administrator of the Account has full control over Registration Codes; can see which Learners have activated their Codes, and can see the Invoice history.
  • 26. How It Works English Attack! PRO for CompaniesAccount Administrators The process starts with English Attack!making a set numberof Registration Codes available to you. The Account Administrator e-mails the Registration Codes direct tolearners and trainers via the PRO administration interface, whichautomatically assigns a unique Code to each learner andtrainer in a separate e-mail.
  • 27. How It Works English Attack! PRO for CompaniesAccount Administrators At any time, the Administrator can select which Learners mariocosta@gmail.com mario555 full, student ABC English Language School should be part of the multi- meribelG@yahoo.com merit full, student ABC English Language School user PRO license, and which jorgemach@gmail.com jorgemach full, student ABC English Language School should be unsubscribed elenablanco@123.net elenita full, student ABC English Language School (departing staff, for example). chicotanco@gmail.com tanco2011 full, student ABC English Language School frankieL@yahoo.com FrankMundo full, student ABC English Language School anagonzalez@gmail.com ana321 full, student ABC English Language School
  • 28. How It Works English Attack! PRO for CompaniesTrainers 2. The starting point for a Trainer is the creation of a CLASS. A Trainer can manage several classes.1. Access to Trainer functions is via My School navigation unique to 3. The Trainer chooses a Name and, if useful, PRO users a Description of the Class being created.
  • 29. How It Works English Attack! PRO for CompaniesTeachers The new class “Lower Intermediate 1” has now been added to the list of this trainer’s classes. The trainer now clicks on the tab “Add Students” to assign Learners to it.
  • 30. How It Works English Attack! PRO for CompaniesTrainers What is shown now is the list of all Learners who have activated the codes sent to them by the Account Administrator. The trainer simply clicks on “Ad to Class” next to each Learner’s user name to add him or her to the “Lower Intermediate 1” class.
  • 31. How It Works English Attack! PRO for CompaniesTeachers Within any class, the Teacher can click on the “Activity” tab to see the stream of site activity being performed by the learners in that class. They will see Content Units done; Friends made; Comments Posted; etc. The Teacher can leave a Comment for the student for each activity item.
  • 32. How It Works English Attack! PRO for CompaniesTrainers To assign work to a given class, the Trainer clicks on the Assignments tab. The Trainer can then choose from interactive videos or visual dictionaries for the assignment.
  • 33. How It Works English Attack! PRO for CompaniesTeachers The Trainer chooses from the fully searchable Video Booster catalogue, selects theunit to be added to the assignment for thatclass, and validates the selection.
  • 34. How It Works English Attack! PRO for CompaniesTrainers The selected Content Unit now appears as an Assignment for the class. The Trainer can add multiple Content Units of different types to each Assignment. Class students can be sent a pre-formatted “New Assignment Online” e-mail with link to the assignment. Inform Class by e-mail From the Statistics column, the Trainer can track which Learners have completed the Assignment; when they The Teacher can leave a Delete Place in Past Assignments completed it; and what Comment or scores each Learner Instructions on the Instructions to class: obtained. Assignment here.
  • 35. How It Works English Attack! PRO for CompaniesTeachers The Message Board acts as a Classroom Blog encouraging discussion and comments between Trainer and Learners; and among Learners. Anyone can create a new Discussion Topic by clicking on this tab.
  • 36. How It Works English Attack! PRO for CompaniesTeachers In this example, the Trainer has initiated a discussion on the use of Contractions. Here the Learners in the Class have participated in the discussion thread on this topic.
  • 37. How It Works English Attack! PRO for CompaniesStudents The same as Trainers, Learners also access the PRO interface via the My School tab.
  • 38. How It Works English Attack! PRO for CompaniesLearners Clicking on My School brings the Learner to his or her My Classes page. A Learner can be enrolled (by different Trainers in the Organization) into different Classes: for example, a normal class and a special English for Finance class.
  • 39. How It Works English Attack! PRO for CompaniesLearners Clicking on a specific Class opens up the Current Assignment for that Class. From Alongside the assigned Content Units appears the menu, Students can also access the the range of Learning Games available for this Class Student list, the Activity content. A Content Unit must be played at Stream, and the Message Board. least once for the games to be unlocked.
  • 40. How It Works English Attack! PRO for CompaniesTeachers & Students For PRO Account holders, the Purchase Premium Access page on the site is replaced by a PRO Access page, which tells the user that he or she benefits from access provided by Organization having contracted the license. PRO Access Your school has provided you with premium PRO access to English Attack! Thanks to your association with IBM France, you have been granted free Premium PRO access to English Attack!. Contact the English Attack! Account Administrator in your Organization in case you have questions regarding your account. Contact your Administrator
  • 41. Educational Partnerships English Attack! PRO for Companies Preferential TOEIC® test prices for English Attack! users, plus marketing partnership. Marketing partnership.
  • 42. In Conclusion: Advantageshttp://th.english-attack.com
  • 43. In ConclusionPurpose-specific design English Attack! has been specifically designed to increase EFL intake, motivation and communicative use of English for today’s demanding learners
  • 44. In ConclusionA flexible, stand-alone resource An autonomous, compleme ntary resource promoting learning, language discovery and self- motivation in the employee’s own time, but one that can equally be used in training sessions
  • 45. In ConclusionFlexibility and Control Admin and Trainer tools allow for full control of platform and diversified usage according to your preferences.
  • 46. For more information: Contact us at: donald.patnaude@english-attack.com Donald Patnaude Owner/Director Ajarn Donald’s English Language Services Twitter: @ajarn_donald Skype: ajarn-donald 
  • Phone: 081-855-2701    Fax: 02-865-2670 

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