English-Attack! Thailand For Companies

English for everyone

Beyond its status as the de-facto language of business, English is today a strategic resource at all levels of a company. Not only is it essential for employee mobility and evolution, but it is also the dominant language of the internet, of technical documentation and, more generally, of information and knowledge.
With the growing importance of international clients and markets, the ability to do business in English has become a key competitive and commercial company asset.
Contrary to other forms of English language training (study trips, courses, or conventional "e-learning" for example), the low per-user cost of English Attack! allows it to be deployed right across all levels of any organization.
The accessibility and attractiveness of our digital immersion content ensures that employees truly engage with their training, thus guaranteeing effective language learning.
The English Attack! solution for companies consists of a dedicated learning platform and price plans designed for businesses.

Usage statistics* that speak for themselves

The digital immersion method for learning English developed by English Attack! creates much higher engagement among learners than more conventional e-learning approaches, which often fall into disuse shortly after being deployed.
Current, authentic English language content like film clips, news, and music strengthen learner motivation with every visit, a process reinforced by the English Attack! motivational ecosystem which features points, achievement level cards, and badges.
The depth of the catalogue of learning units (video-based exercises and visual dictionaries) ensures that learners can use the platform very often without ever getting bored.
The formats of the learning units allow learners to switch from one type of exercise to another - thus allowing for sustained concentration - over the course of a relatively short average session time (41 minutes). 

An accessible solution for your training needs

The English Attack! for Companies solution allows your employees to improve their English autonomously.
The wide range of pedagogical content - covering all levels of English - combined with our digital immersion approach, maximizes every employee's learning autonomy and commitment to his or her training objective.
100% web-based, English Attack! requires no installation of software and can be used in the workplace as well as at home. The site is also multi-platform, with 15% of site users using a smartphone or tablet computer.
If you'd like to offer your employees an even more comprehensive learning solution, our Companies platform allows you to use the online content in combination with Trainer accounts.
This allows you to implement a blended learning program or distance-learning courses.

Pedagogical content designed for your company

Comprising over 1,000 videos and over 5,000 vocabulary photos, English Attack! exercises cover many subjects related to the world of business and industry (Business English, glossaries for different sectors and jobs, etc).
If you are a large company and would like to add more specialized content, our multi-media editorial team and pedagogical experts can create learning units specific to your industry or your brand or company: for example, video-based exercises based on your - or competitors' - advertising; news items; training videos; or executive interviews. We can also create visual dictionaries focused on specific technical vocabulary.
These made-to-order units, visible only to your employees, are published in a special co-branded area of the site dedicated to your company.

Rolling out English Attack! across your company

The English Attack! Companies platform is an easy-to-deploy multi-user solution.
The creation of employee accounts requires no particular installation of software. The activation of the accounts can be implemented via the distribution of codes or from your employee data files.
The Companies platform enables learner-specific activity tracking and follow-up. The designated company trainers or training administrators have access to a dashboard that summarizes overall employee use of the site as well as individualized reporting for each learner, including frequency of site use, completed exercises, scores obtained, and progress achieved.
You determine the training periods contracted, and benefit from volume price discounts depending on the number of employees being trained.

If you're a company executive, or a Human Resources training manager, and would like to improve your employees' English with the English Attack! companies solution,

Thai: 088-249-4917
English: 081-855-2701
Fax: 02-865-2670

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